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You can contact the Branch Secretary, Paul Espley, by emailing or text or phone: 07521 380497

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Thursday, 21 July 2011

HS2 consultation deadline 29 July 2011 - responding made easy

The deadline to the public consultation is 29 July. This is your last chance to have your say on the Government's proposal which will have a massive impact on the South Ruislip and Manor wards.

The S Ruislip and Manor Labour Party are supporting the 'Ruislip Against HS2' campaign.

If you have not yet submitted your comments  a very quick and easy way to put together a response is to use  the SNAG website which allows you to select your response for each question: Click here to go to SNAG website 

(SNAG is the South Northamptonshire Action Group against the proposed High Speed Railway (HS2))

To see more about the Ruislip Against HS2 campaign click here: Ruislip Against HS2

Saturday, 16 July 2011