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Monday, 16 April 2012

More reasons to vote Labour on 3rd May

Cllr Mo Khursheed
Councillor Mo Khursheed, Leader of the Hillingdon Labour Group,  writes "On May 3, Londoners will go to the polls to decide who will be the next Mayor of London and London Assembly. Labour’s candidate for Mayor; Ken Livingstone, has a programme for London that quite frankly puts Boris’ plans to shame. Ken’s vast policy superiority is no better demonstrated than in the key areas of transport and housing.

Ed Miliband has called the election a referendum on fares, which I fully agree with. Under Boris, bus fares have risen by over 50%, and tube fares have consistently risen above inflation. It's just too much. Times are tough and Londoners need a bit of help. That's why Ken Livingstone has promised to cut fares by 7% on October 7th this year or resign, saving the average Londoner £1,000.

It’s obvious to all, except our Council, that Hillingdon has a vast shortage of affordable housing. I have regularly used the Uxbridge Gazzette to highlight our Tory Council’s complacency when it comes to taking on this issue; however credit where credit is due, this appears to be a London wide Tory problem!

Ken will tackle this. He will introduce a non profit London Lettings Agency that will keep rents fair and provide tenants with socially responsible landlords. Alongside this he will bring about planning reform to block the destruction of socially affordable housing. Unlike Boris and the Tories, Ken will stand up to private developers and property speculators.

Not only will he be doing the above but he'll also be ensuring there are 1700 more police on the streets by reversing Tory cuts and lowering energy bills for all Londoners through a co operative.

Our candidate for the London Assembly is Dr Onkar Sahota; a local GP who could not be more connected to our community. With the Government's reckless changes to our NHS, who could be better placed in City Hall than a local doctor, fighting for our local NHS services.

 There is a candidate for Mayor on the side of ordinary Londoners who need a fair deal for their rent, their energy bills and their transport costs. There is a candidate for the London Assembly who understands how important our local NHS services are and how important it is that we get the best deal for our residents by putting you first.
Dr Onkar Sahota with Ken Livingstone

 On May 3rd residents have a choice and a chance to voice their views on what they think is best for them and best for London. Ken Livingstone and Dr Onkar Sahota, as Labour candidates, have made it clear what they will do to protect and improve daily life for everyone. That is why I encourage you to vote for them on May 3.